<latex>{\fontsize{16pt}\selectfont \textbf{Simulation and Control of Free-flying}} </latex>
<latex>{\fontsize{16pt}\selectfont \textbf{Space Manipulator}} </latex>

<latex>{\fontsize{12pt}\selectfont \textbf{Matthias Bircher}} </latex>
<latex>{\fontsize{10pt}\selectfont \textit{Master Project, ME}} </latex>

<latex> {\fontsize{12pt}\selectfont \textbf{Abstract} </latex>

Space debris population has massively increased since the first launch of an artificial satellite and has become a hazard to current and future space missions. Several methods have been proposed to actively remove integer objects from orbit. In this work, a chaser satellite equipped with a robotic arm capturing the debris is examined. Two controllers (Jacobi transposed and planning algorithm) were proposed and evaluated using simulation techniques. Finally, a comparative analysis highlighted advantages and disadvantages of each technology.